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Few adverse events were reported, suggesting that this herbaltherapy is reasonably safe.
Women were ineligible if they had used HT in the previous 3 months or menopausal herbaltherapies in the previous month.
As many as 40% of patients with asthma use herbaltherapies to manage asthma symptoms, often without proven efficacy or known mechanisms of action.
Licorice is a traditional botanicalmedicine, and has historically been commonly prescribed in Asia to treat various diseases.
Another doctor would reopen in a few weeks, someone doing a study on botanicalmedicine or something equally uninteresting.
Herein, we provide a guide to the proper nomenclature and composition of milk thistle extracts and discuss the known pharmacokinetic studies of these botanicalmedicines.
Usage of phytotherapy in English
The treatment modalities include antivenoms, chemical antidotes and phytotherapy, with varying degrees of effectiveness and side effects.
Nor should we assume that Ireland must be lagging behind in the R&D of the new and rapidly expanding phytotherapy (phyto = plant).